Japan Outreach Initiative

Experience Japan in North Dakota.

The JOI (Japan Outreach Initiative) which is a joint initiative from the Japan Foundation and Laurasian Institution that brings volunteer Japanese coordinators to regions of the U.S. where Japanese culture has been less accessible. JOI coordinators engage their American community through Japanese-themed programming, from lectures to hands-on elementary school activities to events focusing on traditional Japanese art forms.

For more information about JOI, visit the Japan Foundation New York JOI page or Laurasian Institution.

JOI coordinator: Mika Usuki

Konnichiwa (Hello)!

I was born and raised in Saitama prefecture in Japan. Saitama is placed just above Tokyo. You can enjoy beautiful cherry blossoms, traditional summer festivals, many different tasty foods, and more in my home town. I used to live in New Zealand and the Philippines and learned language and cultural differences. I met with many people there too. These experiences made my life richer. I believe that learning about other cultures expands and enriches our lives. As a JOI coordinator, I hope I can reach out to various communities in North Dakota and provide many opportunities for them to become aware of the diversity of the world.

Email: musuki@plainsart.org • Instagram: @mika_joi