2021 February Press Releases

Things I Remember: Recent Monotypes by Roger Broer on Display through June 19, 2021 

Press Release
For Immediate Release (February 2021) 

Fargo, North Dakota – Plains Art Museum presents Things I Remember: Recent Monotypes by Roger Broer from February 4 – June 19, 2021 in the Ruth and Seymour Landfield Atrium.  

Painter and printmaker, Roger Broer has been producing works of art since the 1970s, often creating extraordinary, visionary works reflecting his Lakota culture and the world he occupies. Storytelling through each image, the selection of monotypes presented in Things I Remember reveal Broer’s abilities to expose intrinsic connections within animal and human realms – a collision of space and dimension that can feel disquieting in some works and comforting in others. Applying unique methods through handmade tools and procedure, Broer’s exploratory works exhibit realist, impressionist, surrealist, and automatic styles. 

“Drawing inspiration from the natural world I twist things around to see things from the inside out. That is how I think, incorporating animal and human characters into my creations. Sometimes they occupy their own world and sometimes they cross over into each other’s spaces. I have a lot of ideas about many subjects and use whatever in nature or among people to get the idea across. I take poetic license with my work and don’t always ‘follow the rules’. If I could write, I would be a writer, but I am a visual story-teller. There are many different ways to tell a story. Expressing an emotion and inciting a feeling to make the viewer want to get involved is the main objective driving me to continue being creative.”

Roger Broer (b. 1945, Oglala Lakota) was raised in Randolph, Nebraska, and currently is based in Hill City, South Dakota. He received his BA from Eastern Montana College, now University of Montana, Billings. Broer has exhibited artworks frequently in over 50 solo and 175 group exhibitions. His works are in national and international collections including the Department of Interior, Washington, D.C., the Museum of Nebraska Art, Kearney, NE, the Denver Airport, CO, and the private collection of Pierre Cardin, Paris, France. He has earned numerous awards and is the subject of numerous publications. Broer is a member of the legendary The Dream Catchers Artist Guild – who work to set standards for the education of Indian art and Lakota culture. Recently a guest on Plains Art Museum’s 5 Plain Questions podcast, he will also be conducting a Monotype Workshop in the summer of 2021 at Plains Art Museum. 

The Museum would like to thank its generous members and donors for supporting this exhibition. Additional support provided by the McKnight Foundation, the Bush Foundation, the Arts Partnership, the FUNd at Plains Art Museum and the North Dakota Council on the Arts, which receives funds from the North Dakota Legislature and the National Endowment for the Arts.

Plains Art Museum, the largest and only accredited art museum in North Dakota, is your nonprofit art museum and education center, supported by over 800 individuals and organizations. The Museum and its Katherine Kilbourne Burgum Center for Creativity are located at 704 First Avenue North in downtown Fargo. For more information about visiting or supporting your art museum, visit plainsart.org.

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