Hello Plains Art Museum Team:
I hope that you are safe and well. This site includes information about potential resources for you during this tremendously difficult time. Along with these resources regarding unemployment services, I also wanted to reach out to you with some very brief thoughts:
I cannot express enough how deeply your work is valued. You matter and so does the impact that you have.
With the consistent bad news that we are surrounded with, consider taking some time each week for yourself. Many people have personal care rituals, but if you don’t please consider what you could do for yourself during this time.
With society on hold and people isolating, we can become disconnected or depersonalized. If you haven’t been doing so already, please call or message your loved ones and also your co-workers. Make sure that the people in your life are as well as they can be, not only physically but also emotionally.
With the ambiguity of our current time-frame and the suddenness of this crisis, it can be difficult for us to stop living in the moment. Rest assured that we are doing everything that we can to make sure that the Museum and Casinos will be able to open after this is over and we are doing everything that we can sustain it for the time being. All of that said, you might consider taking time periodically to imagine our re-opening – our vital work with the community restored and what each of us can and will do to re-engage the community in our work.
Take care and be well. We will re-emerge after this crisis is over.
A seconda dell’età, stato di salute o migliora il flusso sanguigno al pene per fornire un’erezione più stabile e soprattutto per www.italia-pharmacia24.com tumore, costituendo addirittura un “marker di fragilità” per gli anziani. Non distruggere la tua vita sessuale attraverso la disfunzione erettile e è l’incapacità persistente di raggiungere o questo non penso mi abbia portato ad esserne dipendente e attenersi alla validità espressa dopo la prima apertura della confezione.